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Scooter's {the indie club}leaves the air wave's after 3 year's....

the show once known as{the indie club} has left the air wave's

 3 year's of community service to all that is un-sighned and the mid-west music world..

has left the air wave's..

but the show most go on..

the original plan's of taking the show nationally and on other radio channels in the mid-west has had great review , and is taking a larger croud to please.

plan's to go to the big city's and the the other staion's include ,cable radio..other community radio channels and to

a 24 hr on-line stream playing un-sighned and indie music.."the indie club" {style} will be all over the place. 

 more up dates soon on

check it out

o.p./radio news


to be anounced {lucy's kitten} formelly known as teriyaki kitten will have a c.d out possable this summer..stay tuned

all the big news will be here..on the indieclub news..